Our Database of Student Book Reviews

Subscribe to our database of book reviews and help your students find books to read which have been recommended by other students. 

We are primarily interested in promoting reading among students, therefore we make our database of student book reviews available to interested libraries, schools, companies, and magazines.

Reviews can be provided to you for FREE through our LitPick API which allows you direct access our student review database OR for a nominal charge of $50.00 per year, we will email our student reviews to you each month in the format of your choice. 

We will allow you to use our reviews online or in print publications as long as you credit LitPick for the reviews.  Our reviews are a great way to enhance your library or school's book recommendations on your website.  And our student reviews have also been used by book catalog companies and magazines to promote titles which they are offering.

Please contact us today for details on how you can subscribe to our  database with over 5,000 student book reviews.

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